Mappen | App Review

What is Mappen? Mappen is a Social Networking app that helps in connecting you with your friends and family. It helps you to know who all you know are around you and can help you make plans with them. Though this is basically for teenagers, adults can use it, too. Just like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. you can use Mappen with the same amount of ease. Plus, it is so much FUN to use! How does Mappen make life better for teenagers? Mappen has a lot of features. Like, A LOT of features. Here are a few reasons why: 1. It gives you a notification if one of your friends is around you. Yes! You heard it right! If anyone you know is around, you will get a buzz on your phone and can instantly catch up with them and hangout! What can be better than having fun with friends!? 2. There is an option to " Update your Status " which will be available to your friends and it will be easier to make plans. You can add an emoji and people will instantly know when to text you. Like, wanna go...