I have a record of logging in here every two years.
Hi. Welcome back to me.
Honestly, I forgot I created this place years ago, and I don't know how but it popped up in my head at like 1:30 am on a weekday (I had work the next day) and for the next hour and a half, I laughed so hard reading my old posts. I mean, to be fair, I was like 13 or 14 back then. However, I removed quite a lot of posts and edited almost all of the others, and made a promise to myself, I will not abandon this again.
Although, I might, quite possibly, definitely, completely change my blog up.
I sometimes fail to realize that so much has happened in two years. I graduated high school. I've completed a year of law school. I'm interning at a law firm. I'm learning two languages. Okay never mind, that's pretty much all that has happened.
My internship is GREAT. It's AMAZING actually. The amount of knowledge and hands-on experience I received in just the first week was crazy. I've sat in court hearings, went through around 70 pages of legislation trying to find one clause that was beneficial for our client, listened to them cry, be anxious, be racist, be hopeless and then be so relieved. The amount of trust they had in us, the faith, the hope they saw in us, all of that was so motivating that all those hours of research didn't seem so much anymore.
I've seen clients with a variety of cases. I've worked on employment cases, divorce cases, rental disputes, criminal cases, probation of wills, expensive sports cars getting burned to dust (literally), sons suing their fathers, fathers suing their sons, and so many more that I have half of my log notebook filled with just the cases I've worked on.
Studying law is great, it is interesting, it is fun, but witnessing law is an entirely different experience; the human aspect of dealing with people is an entirely different experience, it has made me so passionate about being a barrister now. *unstoppable*
My favourite module so far in law school, has been Contract Law. Not just because I find it quite easy, but because of topics like misrepresentation, negligence, or reviewing and drafting contracts that keep our client protected. And, I think the most interesting module I've studied is Public Law; the British Constitution, it's advantages, drawbacks, the legislative process, the political side of law, it is so interesting.
What I'm excited for the most next year is the Criminal Law module. Even though my ambition lies in being a corporate lawyer and have no interest in being a criminal lawyer, I still want to read about the landmark criminal cases and what precedents were cited, what arguments were made, and how the judgement laid out.
For my last year of the LLB degree, I plan on taking Intellectual Property and Medical Law as my modules because that's the area of law I want to specify in as I become a barrister.
Yeah, I think it's pretty clear how happy I am to be studying law.
What do I plan on doing with this blog?
Definitely change the name. And the layout. And probably everything.
Probably make it a law school-study guide-ish blog. Probably just abandon it again for the next two years. No. Not that. Probably the first option.
Honestly, I don't know what to do with it but I do know that I'm going to keep it alive.
*That's it, life update over*
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