5 Myths about Gamer Girls | by John Adams
If you think that the term ‘gamer girl’ sounds sexist, you might be on to something. You have obviously never heard terms like ‘gamer guy’ or ‘gamer boy’, which proves that gender discrimination is prevalent in our society. Surveys suggest that the male to female ratio is PC, mobile, and PlayStation gaming is 1:1. If about 50% of gamers on all platforms are females, then why is this another industry linked to male domination?
It is true that both genders have different motivations and preferences for playing, but more than often their aspirations overlap. Many games have a bigger male audience and others are more popular among females. At the end of the day, there are no hard and fast rules; it is totally acceptable for a guy to love ‘Farmville’ and it is no criminal offense for a girl to fancy ‘Call of duty’.
Now let us bust five myths about gamer girls:
They are Boys posing as Girls
‘All gamers are men’ is a popular belief that defies the existence of women who like video games. It is true that you can only guess the identity of anyone on social media, based on the information they provide. You may recall one popular meme suggesting that you could be a dog, but nobody would know that on the internet. The actual purpose of that meme was to warn people of notorious cybercriminals. To be honest, the possibilities are endless in modern times; many individuals are transgender, boys wear makeup, and girls dress like guys. Many males use female avatars in games and many females prefer to play as male characters.
They are here for the Attention
Perhaps a handful of female gamers who host videos over online platforms like YouTube and Twitch do use it to their advantage. Nonetheless, it is preposterous to say that they have no interest in games, and seeking attention is their only motive. Dolling up helps them gain a greater fan following and earn more money. The males who hate on them for the ‘unnecessary promiscuous approach’ are also their most devoted subscribers. The majority of female gamers never reveal their identity in gameplay because of how the opposite gender reacts. They are there to enjoy the game, not to be hit on, cross-questioned, ridiculed, or be given special treatment.
They are Noobs
There is no law in the universe, which states that girls cannot be better than boys at a game. When a guy wins the game, it is because he has skill and aptitude. On the other hand, when a girl beats the guy, it is suspicious. A lot of people cheat by asking a friend to conquer a level for them or paying an expert to increase their rank. The key point is that both girls and boys can be noobs or exceptional players.
They are Socially Awkward (Unattractive)
‘Socially Awkward’ and ‘Unattractive’ are two separate terms with completely different meanings. If a girl likes to play video games for extended hours per day, do not assume that she is lonely or ugly. In that case, all guys who call themselves gamers should be unsightly couch potatoes who have zero friends and never leave their home’s basement. Break the stereotypes and evaluate yourself before judging others.
They are Plain Dumb
If a girl is good at gaming, it does not imply that she is bad at everything else. She is probably doing better at academics than you, so show some respect. Just because you are playing a ‘carry’ role and the girl is playing support, do not consider yourself superior. You should be thankful for her assistance because you’ll definitely need it.
Author Bio
John Adams writes on various programming and technology-related topics, which are most relevant to his field of expertise. He also loves traveling and blogging about personal life experiences. Work and relationships are equally important to him, but he encourages readers to put themselves first in order to pursue happiness.
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