Never-ending high school

I don't like to admit it, but yes, I do forget about this blog. Mainly because I don't have time to think of what to write about, also because I don't think I have anything interesting to talk about. 

It's been a year and a half and I still am in the same class. Thanks to corona. Funny how last year we thought it would be a 2-3 month problem, but look at us now. Wearing a mask doesn't even feel absurd anymore. I'm tired of it, I really am. I do not like sitting at home all day, I want to go out I want to eat I want to make memories I want to visit places and I want to make a scrapbook out of every place I go. 

I know it's a lot worse in other countries, a LOT, and it really does upset me. 

One thing I'm glad about is that I have enough time to study. I was talking to my classmates and it turns out I'm the only one who completed my chemistry syllabus? That's the only good thing that has happened in this while. I sometimes feel like turning this into a study blog, and you know what? I actually might, I've started taking all of my studies so, so, seriously that thinking about having chapters left gives me anxiety. 

But again, staying at home suffocates me so much. I'm still convincing my parents to let me go out after my mock exams are over. Oh, fun fact: we all had corona a few months ago. We're corona warriors now. *inserts smirk face*. But that still doesn't change the fact that mom's really scared, and she should be. We're literally in the middle of a world pandemic, which seems never-ending. My high school seems never-ending. This boredom feels never-ending. I WANT TO GO OUT WITH MY FRIENDS. 

As I end writing this right now and go back to studying organic chem, let's all hope that the next time I open this blog and sit to write (which is soon), I'd be on a beach having a picnic with my best friend.

Stay safe, and please try to stay happy, I know this time got the best of many of us.


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